Nicholas Boers
Author of 4 CRAN packages
Nicholas Boers has completed 4 packages, and it looks like they're just getting started. Keep an eye out for more! Nicholas Boers worked with over 28 collaborators. That's a huge group of developers—almost like a coding festival!
4 Packages
- Rowan Haigh
- Alex Couture-Beil
- Jon T. Schnute
- Simon N. Wood
- Benjamin J. Cairns
- Nick Fisch
- Roger Bivand
- Chris Grandin
- Denis Chabot
- Alan Murta
- Angus Johnson
- Paul Wessel
- Franklin Antonio
- Nicholas J. Lewin-Koh
- Sean Anderson
- Anisa Egeli
- A. R. Kronlund
- Steve Martell
- Norm Olsen
- Charles Bouveyron
- Cristina Anton
- Julien Jacques
- Iain Smith
- Malcolm Nielsen
- Jeffrey Andrews
- Jaymeson Wickins
- Paul McNicholas
- Amandine Schmutz